Know Your Rights
Houston Immigration Attorneys Explains Your Rights
Many people seek refuge in the United States due to insufferable persecution in other countries based on a multitude of factors, such as war, sexual orientation, gender, religion, socioeconomic standing, or political opinion. The United States of America is known as the land of the free, so many abused or abandoned immigrants seek freedom in the U.S. But what happens when those rights are denied to immigrants in the U.S., despite America's constitutional promises to citizens?
Such injustice is often due to misinformation and overgeneralizations, and as a result, immigrants in the U.S. suffer. To help ensure that immigrants do not continue to be victimized, Houston Immigration Lawyer Jennifer A. Lopez has compiled a brief listing of immigrants' rights to help make the process of immigration smoother and easier to understand. Feel free to read about immigrant rights in the United States.
If you have additional questions or concerns about your rights, consider scheduling a case evaluation to discuss your specific case with Lopez & Rhodes PLLC.

Why Choose Lopez & Rhodes PLLC?
Understanding Immigrants' Rights in the United States
Due to anti-immigrant myths and sentiment, a general environment of fear toward immigrants in the U.S. has increased and decreased with waves of immigration throughout the country's history. As a result, there is a huge need for reliable information both in the immigrant community and for Americans for immigration law, reform, and procedure. Most importantly, however, there is a huge need for immigrants to understand their rights, both civil and human, as well as entitlements as future citizens of the U.S.
Rights of Immigrants Facing Deportation
Immigrants who come to the U.S. illegally are subject to deportation; however, despite Congress' attempts to deny constitutional rights to immigrants who are facing deportation, Attorney Lopez reminds you that you do have rights! Due to Yamataya v. Fisher in 1903, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that immigrants could not be legally deported without a hearing that meets constitutional requirements of due process. That means that immigrants have the right to a strong deportation defense before a judge, representation by a lawyer, reasonable notice of charges, opportunity to review evidence against them, clear proof that the grounds for deportation are valid, and a right to interpretation for non-English speaking immigrants.

Enjoy the Benefits of Citizenship with Guidance from Lopez & Rhodes PLLC
If you feel as though your rights have been denied or violated because you are an immigrant living in the U.S., it is vital that you contact Lopez & Rhodes PLLC immediately. America is the land the land of the free, meaning it is a nation characterized by shared and collective freedoms, liberties and equalities. As a newcomer to the U.S., you have the right to contribute to the collective society and you have the right to enjoy the shared freedoms that all residents have.
If you have questions or concerns about your rights, contact Lopez & Rhodes PLLC.